Vision and Purpose

Big learning experiences with Call of the Wild

Mission Statement

Our mission is to create powerful learning and development experiences for our clients which delivers positive behavioural change, for lasting results, within the workplace.

This mission is reflected in our core values which are:

  • A one team ethos with shared values and common goals
  • Quality of service provision that provides value for money
  • Making a difference
  • Taking responsibility
  • Respect for self and others

Inspirational environments
Transformational experiences
Lifelong impact
This is Big Learning

Vision Statement

Our vision is to pursue sustainable business growth in line with client demand  whilst adopting socially responsible business practices respecting ethical values, the interests of all stakeholders and seek to respect and preserve the natural environment.

We place considerable emphasis on the Corporate Social Responsibilities obligations the company has to the community, seeking to invest in the community particularly with respect to charitable activities and environmental stewardship.