Fast-Track Professional Development Opportunities To Achieve Level 6 Standards
Level 6 top up to update your level 4 in advice & guidance or learning, development & support services to a careers advisor standard
Level 6 CIAG Top Up Programme
Aimed at those who completed an NVQ 4 in Advice & Guidance, or the NVQ 4 in LDSS (Supporting Young People Pathway) pre-2010.
Reasons to undertake a continually improve your careers skills
The Career Development Institute ( has set up the Register for Career Guidance & Development professionals which employers use to authenticate their Careers Advisors. In order to become a member of CDI and be part of the Registers a practitioner who currently holds either the NVQ 4 in Advice & Guidance, or the NVQ 4 in LDSS (Supporting Young People Pathway) and hold the units below, would be able to join the register subject to the achievement of three specified units of the Level 6 Diploma – the recommended benchmark qualification for professional career guidance.
As a fully accredited OCR Level 6 Approved Centre we are able to offer you the opportunity to achieve these units.
Top Up Units of the Level 6 Diploma in Career Guidance and Development
- Unit 2: Reflect on and improve professional practice
- Unit 3: Career Guidance Theory
- Unit 6: Use Career and Labour Market Information with clients
The Level 4 QCF/NVQ must have been undertaken in a career guidance context and include the interviewing units:
- Develop interactions with clients;
- Assist clients to decide on a course of action;
- Assist clients to plan the implementation of a course of action;
- Assist clients to review a course of action
How Do I Achieve These Units?
You can either attend workshops for group learning alternatively we can support you via MS Teams or face to face sessions, covering induction and expectations of a CIAG professional, online E portfolio, learning materials and resources, to the teaching of the theories and essential skills required to succeed as a competent Careers Advisor. You will also be required to complete unit assignments or around 2500 per assignment and undertake 2 observations of your careers practice in the workplace.
Programme Delivery
Session 1: Induction to CIAG and Reflective Practice (Unit 2)
- Introduction to the assessment process and E Learning system
- Introduction to reflective practice and defining the requirements of level 6 to critically analyse and critically evaluate both self practice as well as current practices and theories within the sector
Session 2: Career Guidance Theory (Unit 3)
This Unit covers the history and current theories used in Careers Guidance:-
- What theories match specific users
- Motivational factors and techniques
- Change factors and techniques
Session 3: Using Career and Labour Market Information with Clients (Unit 6)
This Unit covers the use of LMI within CIAG:-
- How to balance supply and demand
- Strategies for Long term Careers planning for those who want a follow a career
- Strategies for Short term Careers planning for those clients who have a lower skill set or no fix term career goals
- Analysis and evaluation of the effects or European migration and Education statistics on Careers practice and Employment in the UK.
From £795 excluding enrolment.
Using your Top Ups Units Towards the Full Qualification
To achieve the full level 6 CIAG qualification you would need to undertake the remaining 4 mandatory units and 15 Credits from the optional Units to complete the 60 credits requirement for the full Level 6 in Career Guidance & Development.