One of the Best Value Information, Advice and Guidance Courses in the UK
We offer flexibility of delivery in terms of venue, dates, learning at your pace and value for money!
Learning Online From Home or Remotely
We can offer remote sessions using video conferencing so you don’t have to leave your home or work setting.
1. Group Training
Discounts can be offered for group training where we have multiple learners attending as a cohort. Please ask for more details concerning our discount rates.
2. Individual Training
Don’t worry if you just have one member of staff in need of training as these are our individual training rates.
Our service offers flexibility and support to meet your specific circumstances. We can tailor the number of training sessions to meet your level of experience and the time you’re able to dedicate to completing the course. This means you could fast-track your way to completion! If you have less experience and wish to benefit from the maximum amount of support then you can take longer to complete.
Cost £1,750 per person (including enrolment fee)
What Our Learners Say About Us
“The trainer was fantastic. She did a great job explaining things. I found myself leaving sections with a significantly better understanding of the material. By answering all questions I had thoroughly, I was able to better understand topics that had previously confused me. She constantly maintained an aura of authority on the subject, which made the learning experience all the more engaging and productive, because I felt that she had something valuable to offer and I could readily learn from her.”
This is Mike Johnson one of our advice and guidance learners. See what he thinks of Call of the Wild, what’ we have done for him and his organisation.
Why Choose Us ?
- Our experience with over 20 years in the field
- Bespoke service tailored to meet the learning needs of your staff & organisation
- We realise you need a quick and effective return on your training investment & tailor accordingly
- We are IAG specialists and professionals in the field. We are like minded practitioners familiar with current good practice and new innovations
- We have a unique approach to the delivery of IAG with unusual learning materials which nobody else replicates. A real world view using our management training expertise
- We can offer a variety of delivery options from face to face, telephone, MS Teams and e-learning
- Training and assessments at a time and place to suit you
- Support outside the qualification and not just a box ticking exercise
- We offer the most competitive, flexible and comprehensive price plan around with a plan to fit your budget
- The option to progress to level 6
Our Approach
Our courses are designed so as to have relevance to your workplace with key lessons being drawn out by skilful review, reflection and facilitation. From this review comes participant driven self-learning. The underlying objective is for this learning to be taken back to the workplace for a real return on your investment.
We aim to place the learning in the context and day to day reality of each learner’s role. We focus on each individual’s learning needs which then dictate the direction of each individual programme.
Diploma Content
This Level 4 NVQ Diploma qualification in Information, Advice and Guidance has a minimum credit value of 37.
The Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Advice and Guidance Qualification Structure Information page will show how a learner has to achieve these credits through a combination of mandatory and optional credits.
As background the mandatory units cover the following topics:-
- Develop interactions with advice and guidance clients
- Manage personal caseload
- Evaluate and develop own contribution to the service
- Operate within networks
- Understand the importance of legislation and procedures
Chance to Progress to Level 6
If your staff have already completed Level 4 then we can also offer the chance of progressing to a Level 6 Diploma in Career Guidance Development
What Our Clients Say
Ruth is one of our learners taking the advice and guidance qualification. See what she has to say about her experiences with Call of the Wild