C&IT Magazine State of the Events Industry Report 2015

C&IT magazine Industry ReportConference and Incentive Travel Magazine have this month published their state of the Events Industry Survey for 2015. This gives an excellent insight into the state of the industry. The message is the vast majority of events industry professionals expect growth in 2015.

The UK events industry may not be collectively popping Champagne corks just yet but the bubbly is on ice. Confidence is at its highest for years, and personal leanings aside, most agree the newly elected Tory Government is a positive result from a  business perspective.’

Business was good for the majority of event agencies in 2014, and that growth curve looks set to continue its slow but steady upward trajectory in 2015 and into 2016

Headline Stats

The headline figures are as follows:-

  • 81% of the 87 agencies surveyed said they expect growth in turnover, profits in 2015
  • 73% said the number of pitches taken part in increased during 2014
  • 34% said they expect event budgets to increase this year
  • 59% said they expect an increase in the number of events this year

Common Themes

Common themes are:-

  • The market remains highly competitive
  • Doing more with the same or less budget was commmon

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