Diversity And Inclusion Training

Transformational Leadership Skills

About The Course

Successful diversity and inclusion training programmes have clear objectives and are led from the top promoting active involvement across organisation. Diversity and inclusion is more than employee representation, it requires the practice of tolerance and flexibility as one size does not fit all.

Our diversity and inclusion programme will explore how to create and change your culture to improve staff recruitment and retention, and harness the skills and abilities of all staff to improve organisational performance.

Who Should Attend?

This training is designed for policymakers, managers, and those involved in implementing Diversity and Inclusion programmes. Sessions are interactive and challenging, creating space for exploration.

What Challenges Do Diversity and Inclusion Present To The Organisation?

  • What will Diversity and Inclusion look and feel like?
  • How to keep Diversity and Inclusion at the forefront.
  • The role of KPIs and performance management systems in embedding Diversity and Inclusion.
  • Empower managers through positive action practices (where possible, give them choice and decision-making power within a Diversity and Inclusion framework).
  • Hold managers accountable for their progress towards organisational Diversity and Inclusion objectives.
  • Ensure that coaching or mentoring is available to all (or all within a targeted group) and widely promoted (an opt-in basis prevents it from becoming a box-ticking exercise).
  • Understanding HR implications, Person ‘fit’ versus diversity

It will address learning from the perspective of others, each influencing the other, and include the celebration of identity as a ‘Mosaic not Melting pot’.

It uses Scott Keller and Colin Price’s model, to identify five key steps for successful diversity programmes:

  1. Aspire –          Where do we want to go?
  2. Assess –          How ready are we to go there?
  3. Architect –     What do we need to do to get there?
  4. Act –                How do we manage the journey?
  5. Advance –      How do we keep moving forward?

It will also investigate impact of inertia and the importance of meaningful KPIs

Benefits And Outcomes

  • Increased productivity
  • Improved work environment
  • Understanding of diversity and other cultures
  • Less legal challenges
  • Lower turnover

Get in touch to chat about implementing this training in your organisation

Call us: 01639 700388

Email us: sales@callofthewild.co.uk