ILM Endorsed and Development Programmes

ILM Endorsed Programmes

ILM Endorsed ProgrammesApart from qualifications that accord with the National Framework Companies often wish to design and deliver their own bespoke in-house leadership and management development training for their staff – programmes that support prescriptive organisational needs and internal practices. ILM’s Endorsed and Development programmes add value to in-house management training by providing industry wide recognition from the ILM, without altering the programme content or delivery. These are in addition to the ILM Awards and Certificates which have mandatory units to complete.

To qualify as an ILM Endorsed programme, your organisation’s in-house leadership and management training scheme must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Must not be less than ten hours duration
  • Must be based on management, leadership, coaching, mentoring or enterprise
  • Must aim to enhance or develop the knowledge and skills of managers, leaders, coaches, mentors or entrepreneurs
  • Must contain an element of assessment (if the programme does not contain assessment it may be recognised as a Development Programme

ILM Development Programmes

ILM development programmes logoTo qualify as an ILM Development programme, your organisation’s in-house leadership and management training scheme must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Must be based on management, leadership, coaching, mentoring or enterprise
  • Must aim to enhance or develop the knowledge and skills of managers, leaders, coaches, mentors or entrepreneurs

If the programme contains assessment it may be recognised as an Endorsed Programme