Call of the Wild have this month been informed that our prestigious Investors In People (IIP) Standard has been renewed for a further 3 years. The Inspector actually commented that in all the years of visiting companies for IIP our Company was one of the best he’d seen.
The Investors in People Standard is a business improvement tool designed to advance an organisation’s performance through its people. Developed in 1990 by a partnership of leading businesses and national organisations, the Standard helps organisations to improve performance and realise objectives through the management and development of their people
Call of the Wild, being one the foremost leadership and management development companies in the UK already provide innovative solutions for Companies to develop their people. Our mission statement contains at its heart our objective of delivering business improvement through the continuing professional development of our own staff.
Kevin Gould, Director of Learning and Development, said “Through the renewal process we have sought to formalise our existing training culture and demonstrate a continued commitment towards developing ourselves and others. By renewing this Standard it will reinforce to our clients that we are a progressive Company fully committed to delivering business improvement through people development.”
Multi-award winning Call of the Wild prepare and deliver research based leadership, team and personal development programmes to a range of public and private sector companies across the UK. There’s less chalk and talk from us with a focus on your bottom line. We seek to make a difference in the workplace by measuring outcomes and delivering a return on investment.