Is hybrid working stifling your business culture?

“When managers create a safe environment to express ideas and make suggestions, employees are 31 times (!) more likely to think their workplace is a breeding ground for innovation. Workplaces that have innovative cultures inspire employee loyalty, confidence, and willingness to give extra.” Great Place To Work

According to leading retailer John Lewis, “The Partnership’s ultimate purpose is the happiness of all its members, through their worthwhile and satisfying employment in a successful business.” 

We appreciate the model is somewhat unique in that it’s owned by its employees, but if you look within your own business, are you thinking people-first, or business-first?

It’s inevitable that with more people having to lead remotely, leaders and managers are often becoming more task-focused rather than people-focused. But what negative impact can this have on team members? How much did we underestimate those conversations around the water cooler, kettle, coffee machine?!

Watercooler placed in the outdoors - Hybrid working stifling your business culture

According to Great Place To Work, there are eight attributes that can positively impact business culture.


Employees at great workplaces find their managers and leaders to be more credible:
Trustworthy, credible, and personable managers have a significant positive impact on:

  • Employee retention
  • Overall workplace satisfaction
  • Employees’ willingness to recommend their company
  • Motivation to give extra effort at work

When employees say managers are honest and ethical, they’re five times more likely to want to work there for a long time, and 11 times more likely to think the workplace is great. Are you a personable leader? Or do you hide behind your screen to avoid difficult conversations?


We all know this: you need to show people respect to earn respect in return. Respect can take many forms, but the best workplaces regularly show respect by recognising employees’ efforts, seeking employees’ input, and caring for employees as people with lives outside of work.

For example, many of the 100 Best Companies trust their employees to work flexible hours and from remote places. This workplace flexibility makes employees more dedicated and engaged because they feel respected and trusted to meet their business goals in a way that works for their life.


Humans place a high value on fairness. Companies where employees feel like everyone is getting a fair opportunity consistently report more positive employee experiences.

Surprisingly, fair pay isn’t the factor that most impacts employees’ overall workplace satisfaction and intent to stay. Other, less tangible aspects of the workplace, such as pride and strong leadership, play a much larger role.

Employees say that being paid fairly for their work makes them twice as likely to think their workplace is great. But when employees are proud of their work, they are 20 times more likely to say it’s a great workplace.


Employees who have pride in their workplace believe in the company and what it stands for, from what it produces, to how it operates, to how it engages with the local community.

There are three levels of workplace pride:

  • Pride in your job and the work
  • Pride in the team
  • Pride in the company and its reputation

Pride is much more than a pat on the back. When employees feel proud of their workplace, they are more engaged: According to Great Place To Work data, they are two times more likely to want to stay with the organisation for a long time and six times more likely to endorse their workplace to others.

Ideally, employees feel pride in all three areas, but this isn’t always the case — and that could be a problem. That’s because workplace pride needs to be reinforced over time, through consistent actions, no matter the circumstances.


Belonging in the workplace is an employee’s sense that they are accepted and valued by the organisation. This goes beyond feeling appreciated for what they do, and into feeling appreciated for who they are.

Every company says it values employees. They celebrate employee accomplishments, they ensure new employees feel welcomed from day one, and they embrace the diversity and individualism of their employees.

Our research also shows that workplaces that are consistently great for all employees grow revenue three times faster than less-inclusive organisations. How well do you know your team?

Effective leadership

Leadership can make or break a team. A great leader will inspire, motivate, and drive innovation. A bad one will demoralise, kill productivity, and push employees to walk out the door.
Effective leadership is more than hitting company targets; it is fostering a team mentality that ensures everyone is working together and to their best of abilities. That environment will then help to hit those necessary targets.

Effective leaders:

  • Seek out ideas from team members and involve them in decision-making
  • Recognise and celebrate employees and support their professional development
  • Demonstrate competence and honesty so that they can earn employees’ trust

The good thing is that people don’t need to be born as great leaders. A great leader can be created. The most effective teams invest in leadership development, identifying employees with leadership potential, and helping them learn the skills and qualities needed to succeed, thereby creating a pipeline of future leaders.


Your company’s core values are your guiding star: the beliefs and principles that shape who you are, what you do, and why you do it. The best workplaces lead with shared values rather than rules and policies. That’s because when rules are the guiding force, rather than an organisation’s values. Shared values can engage and empower, which in turn boosts innovation, creativity, and productivity.


Employees at innovative companies are:

  • Four times more likely to say they’re proud to tell others they work there
  • Nine times more likely to think their company is a great place to work
  • Four times more likely to give extra to get the job done

If you need to instil pride and positive behaviours within your team, email us today and let us create a bespoke programme for your team.


Hybrid Working Wellness Check

Empowering Teams for Innovation