Motivational Interviewing is a goal-oriented, client centered counselling style designed to produce behavioural change in individuals by helping them to explore personal goals and remove barriers.
This programme supports both motivational interviewing and behaviour change skills. It also addresses common motivational issues such as low morale, lack of motivation and the resultant inactivity of clients. The course has a broad range of applications for different client groups such as offenders, long term unemployed and those with mental health problems.
Our programme is designed to empower you to motivate clients and staff alike. You’ll be taken through a range of issues, strategies and tips designed to improve your motivational strategies whatever your client group – from diagnostic of an individual’s traits and preferred style, applying motivational techniques, non-compliance through offending behaviour to working with those with severe mental health problems.
Who Is This Programme Designed For
Motivation Techniques for Managers
Line Managers who are struggling to motivate and understand their employees. Such managers sometimes struggle to have difficult conversations or motivational discussions for fear of how an individual will react. This programme can be tailor made to your needs to help your managers to engage with their teams more effectively and efficiently.
Motivation Techniques for Service Users
Motivating different client groups such as offenders, long term unemployed and those with mental health problems. This will support clients to become focused, engaged and achieve their desired outcomes.
What Does the Programme Cover
- Practical ideas developed from Motivational Interviewing, environmental psychology and learning theory
- Effective evidence-based strategies for all practitioners
- How to link motivational interviewing to outcome based targets
- Strategies to motivate clients who do not want to talk to you or even be in the same room as you!
- Interactive demonstration of techniques
- Understand how doing LESS can motivate your clients MORE
- Discover research on how what your client SAYS increases what they DO afterwards… and how to get them to say it!
- Prevent and manage resistance more effectively
- Learn how to make goal setting work and feedback more effective as motivating factors
Course Outline
(i) How do we currently try to motivate clients
- Outline of common styles
- Strengths and limitations of such styles
(ii) Arousal & Motivation
- Yerkes-Dodson & the 21st century
- Why are ‘low energy’ clients unmotivated and what can be done about it?
- Motivational theories and how theses link to us
- Barriers to listening, understanding forest, tree, splitter and lumper concepts
(iv) Stages of change model & implications for motivational strategies
(v) Pre-Contemplators: The forgotten client group
- Why do we have totally unmotivated clients
- General principles for motivating “unmotivated clients”
- “Depressed”, “Inactive” & “Lethargic” clients
- “Rebellious”, “Compulsory Attendance” clients or those who simply hate everything
(vi) Group work and practices
(vii) Working with uncertain or resistant client
- Key principles and behaviours on information giving and handling resistance
- The role of motivational theories and how to elicit them
- Working with clients with variable motivation.
(viii) Goal setting & Feedback for Increasing Motivation
- Powerful tools for good and bad
- Making goal setting more effective using SMART practices.
- Increasing the effectiveness of feedback
Prices and Services
1.Half Day Introduction to Motivational Interviewing
This session with introduce MI as a concept and create an awareness of theories and techniques to use.
£500* for groups of up to 8
2.One Day Motivational Interviewing Techniques Day
This session will cover motivational theories, techniques, the use of diagnostics and worked through examples.
Cost – On request depending on numbers
3.Two Day Motivational Interviewing Techniques Programme
This session with cover motivational theories, techniques, the use of diagnostics, worked through examples. Peer reviews and group action planning including creating diagnostic tools applicable to your individual organisation.
Cost – On request depending on numbers
Additional consultancy including one to one peer support to embed practice can be included