New for 2021 – Career, Advice, and Guidance Unit Bundles

Career guidanceWe are pleased to continue to offer a range of accredited CIAG courses aimed at those working in educational or business settings.

You may already hold the Full Level 6 QCF qualification, however, a certificate in Leadership will support your continual professional development, or a certificate for Career Coaches will allow you to gain a full understanding of Labour Market Intelligence (LMI).

Want To Know More?

Finally, some of you may already hold the Level 4 Advice and Guidance Diploma. If you have achieved this pre-2011, you may still be able to have conditional membership of the CDI register by completing the Level 6 Top-Up which are units 2, 3, and 6.

For more information on our Level 6 Career Guidance and Development bundles, please click here

Alternatively, if you’re not in a senior role with managerial responsibilities, one of our Level 4 bundles may be suitable. For example, you may be new to the career assistant role needing a better understanding of CIAG, or you may need to gain knowledge on the different barriers to work, learning, policies, and procedures. You can find out more on the Level 4 bundles by clicking here