Presentation at UWE Creative Leadership Workshop Series 2014

farmer with laptopIn recognition of our expertise and the innovative approach we take to learning and development with our partners  PDC we’ve been asked to present to the University of the West of England on Thursday 20th March 2014 as part of their Creative Leadership Workshop Series 2014.

The presentation will draw on notions of reflective walking for leadership and management development. The event will be introduced by Dr Gareth Edwards, Dr Arthur Turner and Kevin Gould. They will summarise some initial findings from a new research project in collaboration with Dr Mike Zundel from Liverpool University and Neil Sutherland from the Bristol Business School.

reflective Leadership WalkIn the first part of the workshop Gareth and Arthur will explore some of the theoretical considerations around the idea of using reflective walking as an exercise in leadership development programmes. For example, recent literature has questioned the traditional assumptions regarding the design, development, delivery and evaluation of initiatives to develop leadership. Within this frame of the literature there has been a push towards the aesthetic.

This presentation takes these ideas further by developing themes from experience of reflective walking in various leadership development programmes.Inspiration is taken from recent work on reflective walking as a factor in the more general management learning literature that approaches the physical aspects of programme design in management learning. This is done through the idea that ‘being’ only starts from being within the world and comes from our everyday involvement in things around and near us.

The second part of the workshop will gain insight from an organisation – Call of the Wild – that have been working with Dr Arthur Turner in a practical engagement with reflective walking for leadership development.

In the concluding part of the workshop, we will invite participants to take part in a reflective walk and ask them to report back their experiences in small groups. Final thoughts will be gathered in a plenary discussion.

This workshop hopes to attract participants engaged in leadership development delivery, design and evaluation and will be a stimulating and an engaging experience for managers and directors from all sectors.

For more on the University of the West of England Creative Leadership Workshop Series click here