We are pleased to confirm that we have successfully renewed our accreditation as an Investors in People organisation. This demonstrates that we have further embedded the principles of Investors in People within our organisation. Maintaining the standard demonstrates a true commitment to our staff and ensuring a quality service to our clients.
The content of the standard has been updated to reflect best practices of the very best organisations. With a stronger focus on leadership, engagement and continuous improvement IiP have updated their approach to capture the latest features of high performance.Our Investors in People Assessor stated that:-
“The Directors absolutely recognise the importance of the principles of ‘best practice’ in people management, and how this directly impacts upon positive learner experiences…Strength of leadership, coupled with support of a highly motivated team, mean that the organisation continues to drive the principles of IiP and have embedded further good practice.
The excellent leadership and management practices, particularly the supportive approaches, effective planning, reflection and staff development, have maintained and further developed a culture of continuous improvement to the benefit of the clients, team and the organisation.”
We are therefore delighted with the result and the recognition on the part of the Assessor that our culture of continuous improvement continues to benefit our clients.