We are pleased to announce that our MD Geraint Lewis won the Institute of Directors Award (Wales) in the Corporate Social Responsibility category. Geraint was announced a winner at the awards lunch at Sophia Gardens the home of Glamorgan Cricket Club.
Our Approach To Business
Geraint was recognised for his work aligning the business to the local community and the benefits for both that flow from this approach. Geraint is in the centre of the back row in this photo
Why Geraint Lewis
In 1998 I had a long term 10 year strategy for the Company which has been implemented. This required that CSR was intrinsic to our core purpose and embedded in our vision and values creating a culture which enhanced stakeholder engagement. I adopt a practical and pragmatic approach spending a significant amount of time ensuring the culture & values of the Company are always in the mind of colleagues. This has been successful as in recent appraisals a number of staff said this is the best place they’ve ever worked.
You can’t be a Director or a ‘leader’ without having followers and this is what we have with Call of the Wild. A strong dedicated and committed team. You can’t achieve this without having self-awareness and understanding how your behaviour impacts on others. It’s about having respect for others. It’s as much about embedding this same mindset in others, setting the standards through our vision and values, focussing on professionalism, ethics and performance. Being ethical is built into our vision and acting with integrity is a key behaviour in our performance management behaviours matrix. When you’re a Director you’re not only an advocate in a business environment but also in the community.